Q. Why should we partner with STS?

A. Here are seven great reasons for calling STS to develop your embedded projects:

  1. Improve company focus on your principal business, like building hardware 
  2. Free internal resources for your core technology development 
  3. Scale up for specific project without need for new permanent staff or facilities 
  4. Receive our expertise in leading-edge technologies at reduced cost 
  5. Achieve development schedules not possible with internal staff alone 
  6. Succeed with development projects with a historic record of trouble or failure  
  7. Share new project risk with another reliable company

Q. Who is STS?

Les G. Miklosy PE, Principal
Luciana C. Messina, Principal
Kenneth R. Wada, Consulting Engineer

Q. What assurance do I have? How can I be assured that a small outsourcing resource company can commit enough time and resources to my project in order to meet my development schedule?
A. STS will only commit to projects where cost and schedule are reasonably forecast and manageable for us. We will not make software delivery promises we cannot keep.

Q. What are their business terms ?
A. Software to Spec is flexible. We can tune our development plan to your program burn rate with flexible terms. We offer three project plans to choose from; T&M for concept investigation at labor rates well below market rates, to fixed price product delivery with payment at milestones. Contact us for a complete description of these contract models.

Q. How does Software to Spec assess its customers needs?
A. It depends largely on the extent to which the client has an understanding of their software problem. We prefer to treat each client individually. Contact us and we will be happy to respond.

Q. How does STS develop projects for clients?
A. STS emphasizes an up-front weighted project development cycle which defines what is to be done with complete readable documentation:

Q. How does STS manage projects for clients?
A. STS has extensive experience in project management: